Thursday, November 26, 2009

Look who came for a holiday drink....

It was the highlight of our Thanksgiving dinner to see these guys outside our window....Hope that all of you have a splendid day with family and friends.


  1. Happy Turkey day to you and Tom...sorry it's a few days late. We had a house full.... my folks, my sister, and Holly all came to our house for a fun food filled day. I hope your turkey day was a good one too. :)

  2. They are so pretty!
    Tom annd I had a quiet Thanksgiving. He did a Ham radio contest and I cooked and took a nice walk with two of our dogs
    The highlight was getting a much needed phone call from our son James

  3. These are beautiful birds. They look different than what we have in our yard. My birdbath is in the front garden and I love to watch the birds bath in it. They get really quite playful at times. It brings me such pleasure to know that I have helped make them happy.

  4. This pic is so precious, your blog is beautiful..Hugs Dena
