Friday, April 26, 2013

On my walk..

Oscar and I have been noticing these magnificent birds on our daily walk. The Sandhill cranes have been back for over a month now, and we've had some pretty unwelcoming weather here in Michigan. Yet, this pair seems to come up with enough to eat each day, and I think they are going to make a comfortable nesting site in this bit of cattail marsh. Last year they raised one little guy sucessfully, and hopefully this will be an even better year for them. They have grown accustomed to seeing us everyday. Oscar would like to chase them, but those long beaks look lethal.. Can you find the hidden birds in photo #1. That's the road edge in the lower left corner of that photo.. Close, right?


  1. Oh How FUN! They are so pretty! Nice camouflage! Where we live and walk the big Herons make their nests in a huge tree. The nests are huge, we love to see the babies heads come up when food is delivered.

  2. Hi Patty, wow, I had no idea that herons nested in trees.. crazy birds, I thought they would nest on the ground near water..that's a huge bird to shove outta the nest.. hard landing too. Look out below!!!

  3. I do hope they have baby's. They would be brave sitting on eggs so close to the road.

  4. Hi Kay,
    Yes, I think they are quite brave too. Fortunately, there's not much traffic out here in the Boonie's.. thanks for stopping by.
