Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Ta Da... here they are... Spring Web Update...
Here are some of our new spring fellas available on our websitehttp://murphybears.com/ check us out!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Spring..... oh my gosh!!!!!!!
It"s difficult to imagine that spring is actually here!!! I began decorating a bit, here and there, and much to my surprise, I am missing a whole box of bunnies... oh where oh where can they be, I ask myself at 2 am...
and I roll over to ponder that subject in the morning..
Ok, It's been some time now, and although I have not found my box of misplaced (now totally lost), bunnies, eggs and chicks, I am moving on...
I have also realized that I need a calendar.. no, not one on my phone. I need a real live paper version of a calendar.. the visual kind that's in your face to remind you of up and coming events.. and how those up and coming events are only days away.. speaking of which, as I take a break from my sewing, I am making bunnies... as noted above, I seem to be obsessed with the four legged fellas right now, and now, I'm back to the calendar thing... oh gheez, is Easter really only a week away????
Ok, the long and short of this .... we will be having our Annual Spring Web Update:
Tuesday, April 15th, 5pm Central time..
And guess what???? we will be show casing our new line of, you guessed it... bunnies... and of course,