Wishing that I could join my friends in Costa Mesa this weekend... who in their right mind wouldn't be leaving Minnesota for sunny southern California, I ask myself.. Well here at Murphybear's we just aren't quite back into the swing of things, but wishing Jody, Paul, and Allen the best! Their works are shockly amazing, so if you can go, it is certainly a fun time..
Info: March 22nd
Ayers Hotel and Suites @ 325 Bristol St
Costa Mesa, Ca
Have a fun time everyone ... wishing you the best!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Wednesday this first week of March..
Putting the inevitable off for a few days by finally finishing this old quilt top that I've had forever. My dear friend back in Michigan runs a small quilting business out of her home. Last summer I dropped this old quilt top on her doorstep. No hurry I said.. and last week, it reappeared on my doostep. What a great surprise, and just in time to wrap myself up in it's beauty and warmth. I have almost finished sewing on the binding... It's a lovely thing, right? I found the quilt top about 20 years ago at my favorite outdoor market, and it has been neatly tucked away in my closet of old... funny how moves make you face your demons.. and with that comment, and in the same breath, please take note that I have not exactly jumped in to my temporary studio space with great gusto...things are still piled high and I really must get "with it"... there's no time like the present, right????? maybe today....