these are my greeters every morning when I'm waiting for my morning tea to steep... such sweet little birds.. they're ground feeders, but the racoons come and dine every nite too, so if the feeder is empty, these little dovies sit patiently on the rail and wait....
These guys are still available to slip under your tree... I am crazy busy trying to get all my last minute presents done... hope you all are in better shape than I... but if you are needing anyone here, let me know. Check out them out on our website.
The temp has drop and Bobby looked cold as we started our daily walk... I've heard that old dogs are bothered more by the cold (aren't we all)... doesnt he look warmer.
Bobby starts out with me, but begins to lagg behind halfway thru our walk... He is just taking it easy? I just dont know.
This cow is curious about us, but we forge on down the road.
I love this tree. It's an old hickory and it's gnarly branches stand out so well against the unusually blue sky...burrr... it's only 16 degrees today... but only a dusting of snow.
Back home again... I cant even begin to count how many miles this great old dog and I have tracked on this dirt road of ours, but we're both going a little slower these days. Maybe that's a good thing for both of us. We can take in the sites and smells better....
Ok, maybe just bears, but just wanted to see if any of you were paying attention.. He's nice and squishy and perfect for a child..
This little guy went into the mail today... going under the tree for a special little 2 year old. No, not for baby Claude, but another sweet little boy. My last special order for Christmas... now onto my Christmas projects.
in the studio... no more snow here, but I have been busy making my own... guess who's coming to town just in time for our Holiday Update on Tuesday. It's beginning to look alot like Christmas here ...
Our first snowfall of the year today... just in time to wish Tom a Happy Birthday!!! And for those of you needing one of these sweet snowmen... contact Crystal...
Our annual Holiday Update is just around the corner... mark your calendar for Tuesday December 7th, 6 p.m. eastern time.. Yipee..... let it snow, let it snow!!! Sending out notices to you all today.