It was the highlight of our Thanksgiving dinner to see these guys outside our window....Hope that all of you have a splendid day with family and friends.
What fun traveling with Jen and baby Claude to the Silver Bella event in Omaha. I went as the nana/aka/nanny.... such fun getting to know that little bundle of joy. Jen was there teaching her magical classes.. I had a chance to check out a very unique group of teachers. Each and every class looked like such fun.... but Claude and I had much more fun going for walks, and checking out Old Market area... I did attend the vendors nite, which was many goodies to tempt one....all in all, a very fun weekend..
Some little guys for the Silver Bella event... Traveling on a plane is difficult enough these days, size is quite the issue. These lttle 9" fellas fit into the suitcase quite easily. We hope they have a safe trip... off to funville!
Today was such a treat. Sunshine makes everything better. I've been preparing for the show in Omaha next week, but had to get outside on such a sunny day here in Michigan. The weather is "on the edge" these longer warm days, they are a thing of the past... The bluebirds have packed their belongings and are heading off to a kind'er, gentl'er place. We will miss them. Only the colorful bittersweet remains....
We had a great time at the Hunt Valley Holiday Show this past weekend. ... seeing lots of old friends, and making new acquaintences. PBS was there to take part in the event, and so were lots of collectors.
I loved decorating our table with the shiny baubbles and teds dressed in their warm atire...
Makes me anxious to fluff up the house and get ready for the up and coming season!